
Burger and Milk Teas – How can you not love them?

Fancy having a burger and a milk tea together in one place? Lulus Burger and Amara’s Happy Cup, located in Enrile Ave, Carig Regional Center, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan, offers various burgers and sweet drinks that will tickle your taste buds.

lulus burger restaurant

Many food halls/restaurants have popped up all over Tuguegarao. Some have been forced to pull back on hours or close entirely during 2020. In the name of loving burgers, this restaurant was in place last year when small businesses were blooming.

lulus burger restaurant
My best friend is patiently waiting for the treat! And look how cosy this little corner is! Instagram worthy, indeed.

I recently had the pleasure of enjoying their Ultimate Hard Lockdown Burger. Three(3) big patties, coleslaw, cheese bacon, onion rings and their signature sauce make everything better—a barkada treat for all your friends and family.

This new menu also offers this Dave’s Ultimate Barkada Treat, which will surely satisfy each barkada cravings. A mix of fries and nachos all rolled into one.

burgers in tuguegarao city
Dave’s Ultimate Barkada Burger

In light of the unprecedented situation going on, our deepest, most human cravings have been magnified: the desire to see loved ones, the itch to work out again, the longing to have our dose of retail therapy, but also our insatiable thirst for milk tea. For the love of milk tea and bobba, Amara’s cup offers a ray of milk tea flavours. 

lulus milk tea

You can find their other branches here:

  • 8th Avenue Coffee Shop
  • Joselina’s Place
  • Linao Norte (For Pickup/Delivery ONLY)

They partnered with Food Panda and OTWDeliveryTuguegarao for their delivery service.

Are you thinking of having a milk tea-burger party? They offer packages for small and big events. You can contact them on their Facebook page here.

Special thanks to Lulu’s Burger and Amara’s Happy Cup for having us!

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