Life Stories

Everything was in darkness until I ran to the beach and saw the light

There was a man standing beside my bed telling me to get up. I woke up to the noises as usual, but instead of finding nothing there, I saw a terribly gruesome figure. It seemed like it had been human at some point. I can only see the built of his body and how it is in good shape. I peak through my blanket to see his face but a whole bolt of fear covered me up when I saw only a shadow of a man dragging me to get up. My sweat dripped down my forehead and my heart was thumping hard at my chest. I was always afraid of the dark and I still am.

I shouted for help but there was no voice coming out. I am absolutely petrified. I couldn’t even move because of fear paralysis

“Let’s jump together in your balcony “, the man whispered as he tried to drag me again.

I was crying for help and about to give up.

“Jec, you’re dreaming”, I was back in reality when my roommate woke me up.

She said I was loudly weeping.

I always have this kind of dreams whenever I get a high fever.

Fear has wrapped me up as I started over thinking again.

It depressed me the whole week because of an incident from the past that came in again. I found out something that gave me an eerie feeling that yields to being sleep deprived and out of the zone. I was in total darkness, over-thinking things I know will not benefit me.

And then my weak body responded. I caught a fever and colds that keep coming back for the whole week. I know I should visit the hospital but I decided not too until I can’t take it anymore.

Processed with RNI Films. Preset 'Agfacolor 40's Aged'

Every time I go to bed, I talk to God and tell him to help me heal my heart.

My doctor said I should rest or go on a relaxing trip. The trip may not be an icing-on-the-cake type of indulgence – it may be necessary for my health.

Last weekend, my friends and I went on a relaxing trip away from the bustle and noisy Manila. We had a private car and travelled to Dinadiawan, Aurora Province – an almost 8-hour ride away from the big city.

I kept silent for some minutes in the car and utter a little prayer on my mind telling God to help me overcome this stress and make this trip a fulfilling yet relax one.

It was early morning when we stopped for a while. We saw this amazing bridge view.

Processed with RNI Films. Preset 'Agfacolor 40's Aged'

The cool breeze of the air helps me release some trauma or tensions in my heart.

After those zigzag roads and an almost 8 hours bumpy fun ride. This welcome us.


Wow, this place is amazing! We are literally at the side tip part of the Philippines. The beauty of this world surrounded us – the ocean.


This God’s creation is what we call true beauty. We literally own the whole beach at that moment.


The blue big ocean gave me an overwhelming feeling of calm and peace. Staring on this vast ocean changes my brain waves frequency and puts me into a meditative state. Being around water gives our brains and our senses a rest from overstimulation.


This trip helps me to ease the burdens and fear I am carrying. It had helped me regain the energy to get back into rolling life again. Plus, the people – my friends, who I was with me on this trip gave me not just unforgettable memories to treasure but also the feeling of being yourself.


I have seen how God turn darkness into light by showing me how great this world to live in and how I am so blessed with people who are instruments just keep going in life. As they always say, maybe you have to experience the darkness before you can appreciate the light. You have to let go of what weighs you down. 

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